Externship Site Options - updated May, 2020


International Externship Opportunities

These options listed are in addition to the annual RVU sponsored trips to Africa, Central and South America. All of these are organizations, individuals and/or opportunities, are recommended by RVU students. You can also set up your own international rotation, with appropriate approval.  Approval forms and further information for International Rotation Requests can be found on the RVU website under the Global Medicine tab. If you have additional questions, please contact Dr. Mark Wardle at www.mwardle@rvu.edu

This list is not in any particular order, be sure to review the entire list.  

katie Baric, MPH, Hands on Peru www.handsonperu.org - worked with 350 students from USA & Europe since 2012        

Korah Kids (Darci Burke) https://www.korahkids.com - Project Cure Hospital

Elective Africa https://www.electiveafrica.com/destinations - Clinics in Tanzania and Kenya

Act4Africa http://www.act4africa.org/get-involved/overseas-volunteers/medical-electives/

Care for Zumbo in Mozambique https://www.facebook.com/careforzumbo

Rita Osborn - Dominican Republic/Nepal    https://www.suu.edu/ahec/trips.html

Power of a Nickel – www.powerofanickel.org  Greece, Ukraine, Philippines, Peru, Cuba Uganda

Solid Rock International – Dominican Republic www.solidrockinternational.org/

Global Education Philanthropists & Expedition Global Cammy Bowker -  cammy@globalep.org

www.worktheworld.com; Excellent Hospital and outpatient experiences in many specialties and locations around the world. 

www.handsforhealthfoundation.org - Organized RVUCOM trips to Kenya, Guatemala and Ecuador.  For more info. go to the website or contact Dr. Camille Z. Bentley, President at cbentley@rvu.edu

Dr. Scott Smith (Sponsor of RVU annual trip to Kenya in January)

Specialty: General Medicine

Location: Kimanu, Kenya (about 3 hours south of Nairobi, adjacent to Mt. Kilimanjaro)

Contact: Dr. Scott Smith, safaridocscott@hushmail.com  


DOCARE International

Specialty: General Medicine

Locations: Guatemala, Uganda, Nicaragua, Peru, etc.    


*Must be a member of DOCARE.


Dr. Terry Dunn

Specialty: OB/GYN

Location: Western Kenya, Africa (2 weeks)

Contact: Dr. Terry Dunn, tdunnmd@urogyns.com


CGC Health

Specialty: Primary Care & Health Education

Location: Amazon River Villages

Dates: Every June and July


*President of the organization is RVUCOM Student Chase Hamilton, Class of 2018.   All volunteers are welcome, regardless of experience.



Specialty: Varies, offers many of them.   Excellent program, work in teaching hospitals and clinics. You can choose you specialty, recommended for 2-4 weeks rotations, or more!    Location: Africa, Asia, and South America


http://www.uniteforsight.org/volunteer-abroad/programs    In India, Ghana and Honduras. General Medicine or Ophtholmology


Mammoth Medical Missions

Specialty: Clinical Rotations with Surgical Emphasis

Location: Chiapas, Mexico



www.Globalbrigades.org    Medical outreach in Honduras, Panama and Nicaragua.

Volunteers shadow local and foreign health professionals as they provide pro-bono consultations and medications to patients in rural communities. Volunteers assist with in-take, triage, medication packing, and health education.


Floating Doctors, genie Dunai.  Floatingdoctors@gmail.com 

Specialty: Family Medicine

Location:  Bocas del Toro, Panama. 

Note: Lots of biting bugs by the water, be prepared. 


Global Health Initiatives - Centura Health

Specialty: Various Specialties

Locations: Nepal, Peru, Rwanda


Contact: Greg Hodgson, Director, greghodgson@centurahealth.org


Dr. Peter Schmid

Specialty: General Ear Nose & Throat Surgery

Location: Haiti

Contact: Dr. Peter Schmid, DrS@IAPRS.com


Common Ground International

Specialty: General Medicine/Spanish Immersion

Location: Costa Rica


Contact: Rory Foster, rfoster@commongroundinternational.com


Loma Linda University Global Health Institute - Adventist Health Services

Specialty: Orthopedic Surgery

Location: Haiti


Contact: Amy Lindsey


Heavenly Hope Ministries

Specialty: General Medicine

Location: Myungsung Christian Hospital in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia


Contact: Dr. Chul Soo Kim, msmcmet@gmail.com

*Note: This is a Christian affiliated program.


Health Teams International

Specialty: General Medicine

Location: General Clinic Healthcare, Myanmar/Burma


Contact: Richard Charlick, DDS

*Note: This is a Christian affiliated program.


Roca Blanca

Specialty: General Medicine

Location: Corban Clinic in Oaxaca, Mexico


Contact: Marcie Smith, 620-793-0698

*Note: This is a Christian affiliated program.


www.cachamsi.com  Medical Spanish Immersion and clinical work in Riobamba, Ecuador.    More info on their website.  Director is  Dr. Jorge Duchicela, MD at jduchicela@ydclinic.com


Baylor International Pediatrics AIDS Initiative

Specialty: General Medicine

Location: Botswana, Africa


Contact: Patricia Dorman


Centre Dentaire et d’Implantologie

Specialty: Oral-Maxillary –Facial Surgery

Location: Chicoutimi, Canada

Contact: Dr. Marc Desautels, marc@dentistemarcdesautels.com


Friedrich Christian Reiss, MD

Specialty: Cardiology

Location: Hamburg, Germany


Contact: Friedrich Christian Reiss, MD, friedrich-christian.reiss@albertinen.de

Albertinen Heart Center, Suente4lstrasse 11A, Hamburg, Germany 22457

Phone: 49-40-5588-2445 

Fax: 49-40-5588-2421


Universidad de Santiago de Chile

Location: Santiago, Chile

Specialty: Pediatrics

Contact: Dr. Carlos Castillo Duran, Director of Pediatrics, ccastd@med.uchile.cl

*Spanish speaker may be preferred.


AMSA (American Medical Student Association)

Clinical and Research Opportunities

Location: Varies



SOMA (Student Osteopathic Medical Association)

Multiple Opportunities

Location: Varies


*Scholarship opportunities.


Global Health Education Consortium

Multiple Opportunities

Location: Varies


*Scholarship opportunities.

*Check on language requirements.


Child Family Health International

Specialty: Pediatrics

Location: Varies


*Scholarship opportunities.


Jeremiah’s Hope - Christian Medical Ministry Cambodia 

Specialty: General Medicine with Surgical Emphasis

Location: Cambodia



*Note: This is a Christian affiliated program.


Husman Plascensia ,

Specialty: OB/GYN

Location: Guadalajara, Mexico (OB/GYN)

Contact: Dr. Alejandra, Alejandrah_13@hotmail.com

*Must Speak and Understand Spanish

*Recommended by: Erin Philpott, RVU Class of 2014


Africa Inland Missions

Specialty: General Medicine (Rural hospital with outreach clinics)

Location: Kenya, Africa


Contact: Stfacilitator.us@aimint.net  

Note: This is a Christian oriented program, which includes bible study and other related religious programs.


Himalayan Health Exchange

Specialty: General Medicine

Location: India

Contact: info@himalayanhealth.com


Rasin Foundation

Specialty: General Medicine with lots of Dermatology

Location: Haiti


Contact: Dr. Arielle Adrien, Tufts University SOM, adrienmd2000@yahoo.com

Please note: This rotation is for 4th year students only, near graduation, as it includes a lot of unsupervised work. We recommend that you review skin lesions prior to departure and also recommend the following readings:



*Recommended by: Janie Luong, RVU Class of 2014


New Frontiers Health Force

Specialty: Primary Care in multiple small clinics

Location: Narok, Kenya


Contact: Dr. Tonya Hawthorne, DO, mamadaktari@verizon.net or mamadaktari1761@gmail.com

*Dr. Hawthorn lives and works there 10 months out of the year and is happy to work with clinical osteopathic students.


International Clinical Research Fellowship Opportunities:

ICRF is administered through six U.S. medical schools with established programs in global health research. Each school is responsible for overseeing the selection of applicants and providing the mentored research experience. Each institution will offer three fellowships per year that begin in the summer of each year. The applications are due by November or the previous year. 

Duke University School of Medicine and Duke Global Health Institute                



Harvard Medical School



University of California, San Francisco, School of Medicine



University of Minnesota Medical School



University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Medicine                

http://globalhealth.unc.edu/programs/teaching-training/global-health-fellowships/doris-             duke-icrf-program/


Yale University School of Medicine                



Internship Nepal.  Elective placement organization based out of Kathmandu, Nepal.   Offers many opportunities of specific medical elective placement with some of the most prominent hospitals in Kathmandu.  Contact them at www.internshipnepal.com