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Each semester, a selection of short electives may be offered on both campuses to interested RVU students across all programs. These electives may cover topics just touched on in the normal curriculum and/or may involve current hot topics in medical training. See the Adobe Glideshow below for current offerings. Not all electives will be offered each semester or on each campus. Watch for emails and poster advertising to learn which electives will be offered each semester.

All students in good academic standing are eligible to sign up for an elective, and may take up to two electives at one time. Some electives are open to all programs, others are strictly for the COM. Each course will designate its specifics in this regard. Course titles, descriptions and registration information will be announced prior to the start of each semester. Classes will be approximately 8-16 hours in length, may occur at any time outside of the normal curriculum (i.e. evenings and weekends) and graded pass/fail.

These curricular electives are offered through the Department of Tracks and Special Programs.

Electives Information

ELECTIVES - from the Tracks & Special Programs Department


Once the course directors have completed their rosters based on the responses to the TSP Elective Student Interest form on the iNET, your campus coordinator will complete the Registrar's official registration form. You will receive an email stating you have been registered for the class. 

All inquiries about this process can be brought to the attention of the course director or your Tracks & Special Programs Coordinators: Isabel Fabela in CO,

ifabela@rvu.edu  or Judy Simmons in UT, jsimmons@rvu.edu.