J. Small MD PhD 9/4/24
National Pathology Organizations:
College of American Pathologists: Resources for Medical Students | College of American Pathologists (cap.org)
American Society for Clinical Pathology: Student (ascp.org)
New site that we found (have not completely vetted yet but looks promising) Match to Path
The Colorado Campus has a Derm/Path club that might be worth investigating. The Derm's dominate but the pathologists do a good job as well.
LOR suggestions from Match To Path: https://static1.squarespace.com/static/619eac062ac7c539eacad361/t/66cc11e7f8011041cecd846a/1724649959214/Draft+for+Letter+of+Recommendation.pdf
Association of Pediatric Program Directors (APPD) Guidance on:
Academic Leaders in Pediatrics Stand Up for Equity in Residency Applications, Recommend COMLEX-USA as Part of Holistic Application Review for DO Students
Issued May 30, 2023
Future Peds Resident Website includes:
PM&R Leaders Promote Equality for DO Applicants and Equivalent Use of COMLEX-USA
AOCPMR Pathway to PM&R: This document was created by the AOCPMR and is a great place for a student to start. It even breaks down steps to take according to your year in medical school. AOCPMR is a fantastic resource for DO students. They are even hosting mock-interviews for students applying to match this year with members of their resident council.https://www.aocpmr.org/assets/docs/The%20Pathway%20to%20PMR_Final_Approved.pdf
Pathways in PM&R: Medical student run group that provides resources for those interested in PM&R. They have frequent virtual info sessions and they post all their videos to their youtube channel for all to see. Below is a link to their “Master List” of PM&R resourceshttps://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1I-FJIZDvpVnXJOhTvmUaBJArKcz7d8LAxJnpfz42kBE/edit#gid=1312520669
Representation in Rehab: Medical student run group that focuses on promoting DEI in PM&R. They also have virtual events but their website is incredibly details and incredibly packed with information and resources. This is a link to that website.https://www.representationinrehab.org
PM&R Scholars: This group focuses on providing students, residents and early-career physiatrists an opportunity for professional growth, leadership and teaching experience. They are in the middle of hosting a multi-session virtual residency fair that I have attended. They even have a team that focuses on learning/teaching medical Spanish.https://www.pmrscholars.org/contact
PM&R Knowledge NOW: A FREE resource for physicians, students, and patients providing an overview of conditions and treatments in the specialty of PM&R.https://now.aapmr.org
American Association of Directors of Psychiatry Residency Training (AADPRT) Statement on DO Applicants: