
Medical school research projects play a crucial role in expanding our understanding of healthcare and improving patient outcomes. These projects provide students with valuable opportunities to engage in scientific inquiry and contribute to the ever-evolving field of medicine. Medical students can undertake a variety of research project types, each with its own focus and approach. Here, we outline six common types of research projects that students often pursue during their medical education.

  • Case Reports:

    • Description: Case reports involve the detailed documentation and analysis of individual patient cases with novel/unique medical conditions or treatment outcomes.
  • Literature Reviews:

    • Description: Literature reviews involve a systematic examination and synthesis of existing research studies, articles, and publications on a particular medical topic or question.
  • Surveys:

    • Description: Survey-based research projects involve collecting data through questionnaires or interviews to gather information on specific healthcare issues, patient experiences, or medical practices.
  • Opinion Pieces/Commentaries:

    • Description: Opinion pieces or commentaries are written articles expressing a healthcare professional's viewpoint or interpretation of a medical topic, treatment approach, or research findings.
  • Clinical Trials/Cohort Studies:

    • Description: Clinical trials and cohort studies are prospective research projects that involve the systematic investigation of the effects of a specific medical intervention, therapy, or treatment on a group of patients over time.
  • Chart Reviews/Patient Databases:

    • Description: Chart reviews and analysis of patient databases involve the retrospective analysis of medical records, electronic health records, or databases to examine patterns, outcomes, or treatment trends.
  • Public Health:
  • Description: