
Unit #2- Writing in Research

Review of each presentation in the Handouts Section, and then complete the assignment associated with the module.

Assign #3: Communicating Science

After receiving feedback on Assignment 1, select one topic from your brainstorm.  Select and read a primary research article related to the research topic and respond to the following:

  • Create a document with the topic you chose and the title of the article.
  • What are the big questions and gaps in the field identified in the article?
  • What is the hypothesis and the specific question?
  • Summarize the introduction and results in 5 sentences.
  • State your interpretation of the article in 1-2 sentences.

Assign #4: Writing a hypothesis

Based on the research topic you have selected, write your own, testable hypothesis that addresses a gap in the knowledge.

Assign #5: Writing an abstract

Select a professional journal and research its publication guidelines for authors.  Based on those guidelines, write an abstract for your research topic that states a brief background/significance of the topic, the problem, your hypothesis and how it will fill the gap, your proposed approach, and your expected outcomes.

Assign#6: Getting started on the review

Write an outline of a research review article on a topic of your choice that includes at least 50 resources and addresses the basic elements of the problem that are essential for the audience to understand. Include one figure that will help your audience understand your concept for the review.

Assign #7: Writing a research statement